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Data collection in fisheries in the Republic of Croatia is conducted by two institutions in accordance with the provisions of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union.

Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries

The Ministry of Agriculture is the official statistical body for fisheries in the Republic of Croatia which is responsible for the collection, production, processing and dissemination of statistical data in fisheries of the Republic of Croatia.

The Directorate of Fisheries with seven regional offices in Pula, Rijeka, Senj, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Dubrovnik and the central office in Zagreb collects and processes statistical data in fisheries, aquaculture and fisheries industry, which are stored in the Fisheries Information System (FIS).

Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split

Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries was founded in 1930 as the first national scientific and research institution dealing with research of the sea. Since the founding scientific activity of the Institute is extremely multidisciplinary, since it covers almost all fields of research. The Institute carries out a very complex research in the fields of biological, chemical and physical oceanography, sedimentology, and fisheries biology and aquaculture.

The basic direction in the work of the Institute is represented by fundamental scientific research, which is mostly conducted through projects of continuing research activities funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. The aim of this research is extending the knowledge of the structure of different plant and animal populations in the Adriatic Sea, as well as their relation to various abiotic and biotic factors important for the balance of the Adriatic ecosystem, and the definition of coast-open sea interdependence, in order to recognize possible changes resulting from climatic and anthropogenic factors. The basic mechanisms of action of population dynamics, biology and ecology of marine organisms are also under research, especially the most commercial fish species and edible invertebrates (crustaceans and cephalopods), in order to determine the biologically acceptable level of their exploitation.

Pursuant to the Marine Fisheries Act (OG 62/17, 130/17 – Act aquaculture and 14/19) the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is responsible for the collection of biological data according to the annual plan for data collection in fisheries in the Republic of Croatia, as well as in charge of monitoring required for the assessment of the effects of all or some forms of fisheries on the marine ecosystem.

Source: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries